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Minerals are both natural and essential to the human body.

If our intake of these important nutrients is inadequate, we suffer impaired functioning.
The effect of mineral waters carrying a high percentage of these minerals are aperient and diuretic, thereby helping to cleanse the system.
Minerals are both natural and essential to the human body. If our intake of these important nutrients is inadequate, we suffer impaired functioning. The effect of mineral waters carrying a high percentage of these minerals are aperient and diuretic, thereby helping to cleanse the system.

LITHIUM, in the form of a carbonate or chloride, is occasionally met with in mineral waters, but usually in trace quantities. Lithium carbonate readily dissolves uric acid and the abnormal accumulation of uric acid in the system. Lithium along with calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, etc., are all classified as elements and an integral part of nature. Research has proven that lithium is helpful in treating manic-depression, alcoholism and compulsive behavior.

POTASSIUM helps with osmotic pressure, the transmission of nerve impulses and muscle contractions. It is also considered energetic in dissolving and removing uric acid from the body. Potassium plays a role in the maintenance of the body's fluid balance, helping to prevent dehydration and excess fluid retention.

CALCIUM is the body's metabolic jack-of-all-trades. It carries nerve signals, contracts muscles, clots blood, keeps the heart running smoothly, regulates hormone secretions and helps enzymes do their vital jobs. Increased calcium intake could give an unexpected bonus in helping to prevent major discords that have been linked to calcium deficiency. These are high blood pressure and strokes. Population studies have shown that people who consistently drink hard water containing calcium and magnesium can reduce by 10%, a person's risk of dying from a stroke or heart attack.

MAGNESIUM is very similar to calcium carbonate. Mineral waters containing magnesium are mild laxatives and the best of alkaline waters to relieve acid conditions of the stomach and sick headache, when caused by constipation. Such waters are also successful in checking the formation of acid gravel.


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