DeweyOatesJr: DeweyOatesJr: ok we'll keep the drop down bar as is for now. we'll take another look when we put the final logo on DeweyOatesJr: My 24hours email ID lets put My 24hour Login Name instead DeweyOatesJr: remind him its 24hour not 24hours DeweyOatesJr: the special offers on the left, lets put "Click Here for a FREE 24 hour Email Account! instead serbane: OK...and the text on the right? could you please repet? I didn't saved it DeweyOatesJr: the words on the left are supposed to be on the right "Special offers and discounts" the right side is to read SIGN UP TO GET THE LATEST NEWS, SPECIAL OFFERS AND DISCOUNTS ON PRODUCTS AND SERVICES. DeweyOatesJr: hey, at the bottom, make sure the spacing is the same on the categories DeweyOatesJr: it looks closer for the 2nd and 3rd vs the 1st and 2nd