T E A C H I N G   S T A F F

- 2000/2001 -

Rector: Prof.Dr. Alecu Ioan

Vice-Rector: Teaching Methods Division: Prof.Dr. Miclu Ion

Vice-Rector: Scientific Research and Student Affairs Division: Prof.Dr. Croitoru Constantin

Vice-Rector: Public Image and International Relations: Prof.Dr. Cepoiu Nicolae

Senate Science Secretary: Senior Lect.Dr. Diaconescu Stefan

General Manager: Senior Lect.Dr. Dobrescu Nicolae

Dean of the Faculty of Agronomy: Prof.Dr. Roman Gheorghe Valentin

Dean of the Faculty of Management,
Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development:
Prof.Dr. Draghici Manea

Dean of the Faculty of Horticulture: Prof.Dr. Popescu Victor

Dean of the Faculty of Animal Science: Senior Lect.Dr. Marginean Gheorghe

Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine: Prof.Dr. Crivineanu Victor

Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine: Prof.Dr. |ogoe Iulian

Dean of the Land Reclamation and Environmental Engineering: Prof.Dr. Alexe Gheorghe

Dean of the Faculty of Biotechnology: Prof.Dr. Campeanu Gheorghe

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departments: [ Agronomy] [Animal Science] [Biotechnology] [Horticulture] [Land Reclamation] [Veterinary Medicine]
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